Cheryl Lee MD Blog

  • The Role of Antihistamines in the Relief of Eczema Itching

    Atopic Dermatitis is the genetic form of eczema and is the result of many different factors defects in the skin barrier; lipid (or fat) deficiency in the skin barrier, an overly alkaline pH of the skin barrier (partially due to a lack of certain fatty ACIDS in the skin), a susceptibility to bacteria and yeast overgrowth (probably due to the overly elevated pH), faulty cell cycling (at least partially due to disrupted calcium gradients in the skin), an increased rate of allergic reactions to certain chemicals that are applied to the skin, AND an overly exuberant inflammatory reaction (at least partially due to overgrowth of bacteria and to reactions to chemicals applied to the skin).   View Post
  • Are Topical Steroid Treatments Right for You?

    Eczema and psoriasis are difficult skin conditions to manage. There are multiple treatment options including the widely-prescribed "topical steroids" -- glucocorticoid steroid medicines (the anti inflammatory type of steroids) that come in the form of creams, ointments and lotions. These medications work to reduce itching and to control inflammation, thus helping the user maintain a more comfortable quality of life.   


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  • The Skeptics Guide to Natural Eczema Treatment

    In the medical world, natural can mean a plethora of things. Some people imagine a witch doctor deep in the Amazon while others see a new revolution in the medical community fighting against big drug companies. I’m sure you know someone on each side of the extremes: someone who believes strongly in essential oils, foot-zone therapy, and natural healing versus someone who panics when they hear the word “natural,” thinking the devil has been summoned. So who is right? As is usually the case, they’re both right…and wrong.  View Post