Clean Air 101:
CherylLeeMD is all about the avoidance of toxic chemicals. These toxins are inescapable any time you go outside (or inside for that matter). When Dr. Eberting learned of the epidemiological modeling that Arden Pope, PhD, professor of Economics at Brigham Young University was doing, she became involved in clean air activism. Dr. Pope has developed models wherein the health-related effects of air pollution can be quantified into number of deaths, heart attacks, pulmonary failure, hospital admissions due to cardiac and pulmonary causes and more. This data shows that for every 10 parts per million increase of pm 2.5 particulates per cubic meter, there will be an increase in roughly 10% of all of the above scenarios. Additionally, the effects of air pollution are cumulative over time, so every day that you live in air pollution will have an additive effect. This can absolutely contribute to health issues such as cardiopulmonary problems, Alzheimer's disease and autism. Given that the highest rates of autism in the United States are in Utah AND Utah consistently has the worst air in the Nation, there is a very probable correlation between the two. We, at CherylLeeMD, are making every effort we can to make a difference in these areas.
What we are doing:
Utah Senate Clean Air Quality Meeting:Dr. Eberting has testified at the Utah State Senate Clean Air Quality meeting in an effort to find acceptable composting and green waste options that can replace open burning of green waste and trash. According to Arden Pope, PhD, the combustion particulates from burning green waste are particularly toxic due to the type of oxides that are formed. We believe that there are alternatives to open burns in Utah and we want to make them a convenient possibility for everyone.
Green Waste to Replace Open Burns in the City of Alpine:In the city of Alpine, Dr, Eberting has presented to the City Council and has formed an exploratory committee to determine the most feasible ways to introduce green waste recycling instead of open burning. Open burns have been banned in Salt Lake County for two decades and it is inevitable in Utah County due to the increasingly toxic inversions. We are not talking about banning outdoor fire pits, but we are talking about finding a different way for people to dispose of their green waste. Dr. Eberting is working with several agencies to start a foundation that will tie real time air quality data to the existing epidemiological data that exists. The results will be presented on an electronic billboard on the freeways of Utah. This way, drivers can see in real-time what effects the air quality and their own behavior have on the health of Utah people.
Clean Air Scholarships:CherylLeeMD Sensitive Skin Care will be working with several clean air organizations in sponsoring a scholarship for those who are making a difference in cleaning up our air. Check back soon for details.
Dyslexia isn't for Dummies:The plight of the dyslexic is close to Dr. Eberting's heart. With family members who have dyslexia, Dr. Eberting has witnessed first-hand how limited and non-progressive our educational system is for the 15-20% of people who have dyslexia. There are numerous federally funded studies and scientifically-proven methods for remediating dyslexia, yet the school system in Utah and many other states is not keeping up with this data. Meanwhile, the dyslexic student experiences a life of being labeled as "stupid" or "slow" or "different". Dr. Eberting has worked for three years to bring changes to Utah's educational system in regards to dyslexia. Unfortunately, she has hit roadblock after roadblock. Dr. Eberting has helped to bring district curriculum faculty to dyslexia training retreats and has organized and hosted school-wide dyslexia teacher training meetings. Dr. Eberting is also working with several organizations in assisting them in their efforts to change legislation and resources for the dyslexic student.
Battered Women Regain Confidence:Dr. Eberting was raised by a single mother of eight children and has experienced the plight of the single mother and the abused wife. CherylLeeMD Sensitive Skin Care is working with a battered woman shelter to assist battered women with skin care needs by contributing patient care and skin care products to battered women and their children in need.