"TrueLipids® makes my sons skin feel so soft almost like it has a velvety feel to it. We have used Aquaphor and many other creams on the market for years and TrueLipids® ointment moisturizes much better. I also noticed a little bit went a very long way. I love how it doesn't leave a greasy residue that I have to worry about getting on clothes or furniture. He loves that it does not sting his skin when it is applied and is the first cream we have found that actually works. I hardly have to apply any steroids when using TrueLipids® . Recently we took the cream on a trip where my son was in the sand and getting very dirty, and despite this, his eczema stayed away. He was so sad when it ran out. TrueLipids® is definitely worth the price. I use less and the effects last longer so I am not constantly reapplying. You know TrueLipids® is a great product when your 6 year old who has suffered his whole life with eczema jumps in the air and hugged the cream Dr. Eberting gave him! Thank you Dr. Eberting."

- Sabrina, mother of Cohen, Age 6
After no improvement with topical steriods, this baby's Eczema is finally soothed with TrueLipids®.
"My 2 year old daughter developed an ugly, patchy rash over most of her body during about a 9 month period. Her formerly soft, smooth baby skin was rough to the touch and so unsightly that we didn't like to take her to the public swimming pool for fear the parents of other kids might think it was contagious. We tried several skin-care products including Vaseline and some high-end lotions sampled to us from the dermatology office. Nothing helped. If anything, the problem seemed to gradually get worse. Finally, Dr. Cheryl Lee Eberting, M.D. gave us some of her TrueLipids® ointment to try. Within one day, I could tell my daughter's skin was starting to heal. Within 1 week I would say her skin was 90% back to wonderful, smooth baby skin. Within 2 weeks, it was 99% better! The effectiveness of the TrueLipids ointment in my daughter's case was truly stunning."

Rick, father of Grace, Age 2
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